Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 0 - Travel to start

Well we are off to BE the wizard. It will take 2000 miles and two days to get to Astoria Oregon and start this adventure. I am the SAG wagon driver for 2/3 of the trip. SAG stands for support and gear. It is yet to be determined the details of this job. The primary function is to keep the guys able to ride with the proper gear and food.

It started when Gary showed up in the morning on Sunday June 15th. It was good to see that he had his medication from Starbucks for the ride to Oregon. He drove first and soon had us moving at his favorite pace of 85 mph. I think he would bike that fast if he could.

We went north west through the Texas panhandle and cut across the small finger (41 miles wide) that Oklahoma took from us and into eastern flat Colorado. Up east of Denver then west and then north until we passed into Wyoming and arrived in Cheyenne 900 miles from home and tired. We slept before continuing.

The next day was 1100 miles to arrive at Portland Oregon. We hooked up with Matt who will ride with Gary to Boston.

The amazing part of the trip is experiencing how big this country is. It really seems big when you drive this long and hard and only started in the middle.

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