Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 2 – June 18

We start from Matt’s and go to 40 miles east of Government Camp. This does not match the planned routes because we are trying to get a jump on the start so that we have a spare day to spend later. Getting out of Portland took a lot of driving and riding. It is not a small town. It is interesting how quick we are in the mountains though.

The views only get better. Government camp is near Mt Hood. I rediscovered the personality that mountains can have when they sit alone. Long ago I worked in Colorado and had a view of Pikes Peak in my office window. I would look up and there it was filling the window. I would be reading and working and shortly later it was gone as weather moved in and around the area. I did not discover Mt Hood until we had finished the ride and headed back. I am not sure if it was hiding or I was driving with my eyes shut. Mt Hood has attitude.

I did my job of taking pictures and feeding the riders and even found some shops to stop in and look at stuff.

The shopping for food, getting gas (all full service by state law) and the visiting with the shop keepers let me meet the folks in Oregon. They are different. They are friendly and live at a slower pace. Friendly is an understatement; they are enjoyable and add goodness to my day. The slower pace should not be confused with competency. The pace they have fits life. It makes what they have and how they live fit with the environment which they help beautify and do not hurt. It shows up in the towns and cities and in the country and farms. It is great! I love Oregon and the folks I have met.

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