Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 31 – July 17

The sky photos are from the night before and could tell of things to come. The forecast was for scattered showers but we saw none. A really good day for biking. Matt reports that the work on his bike made all the difference. We started from Oneida on route 5 and a short distance from New Hartford the bikes got off track in the city. We used the Garmin intersection function and found our way. Even a little confusion produces a picture or two.

We found a short cut that took us into Amish country on Stone Arabia Road with wonderful scenery. We cut off about 7 miles but added a lot of small hills to the climb total which is now above 83,000 feet of total climb for the trip. I asked Matt and Gary if we could do just a little more and maybe be near orbit altitude, they said NO. I think escape velocity would be an issue though. Most of the water is the Erie Canal.

Well it is now 1 day and a wakeup. Tomorrow is near 6000 feet of climb so I will be busy playing leap frog with the service SUV because both riders will travel at their own pace.

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