Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 13 - June 29

Today was my first full day as Team Cobra’s support driver. Conditions were favorable and allowed me to ease into this role. The weather was perfect from a driver’s point of view. Cool temperatures in the morning, low humidity, an abundance of sunshine and a mild breeze. The route was also quite simple: follow highway 20/26 to Glenrock. The only confusing part of the route was through Casper where we followed Business 20/26. The route came to a “T” intersection with no signs indicating which way was route 20/26. I went to the right and at the next intersection there was no indication of 20/26. There was a convenience store on the corner and a police officer standing there. I stopped and asked him how to get back on Business 20/26 and he said he didn’t know. I then asked him how to get to Glenrock and he then knew the route. But by this time Gary and Matt had come to the same “T” intersection. They turned left which was the right choice. I quick cell phone call got the team back together.

The route today covered a terrain which was similar to Friday’s, high desert plain and sage brush. I didn’t come across wild flowers and cacti like Larry found on Friday. But, today we did see more wildlife: deer, antelope and prairie dogs. I did stop along the way to take photos, but Gary and Matt’s pace today kept me busy and I really didn’t have that much time to venture out and look for interesting sites.

The day ended on a high note. There was some anticipation about what the quality of service we would find at the Higgins Hotel. Glenrock’s population is around 1,300 and there are few choices for hotels/motels. Gary, Matt and Larry talked about one experience earlier in the trip where the motel that was not quite what they expected. But the Higgins Hotel turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It was built in 1916 and is furnished in the décor of that period. It is also on the National Registry of Historic places. The owners are friendly and helpful. The rooms are large and comfortable. I took some photos of the hotel and will have them on the web site. A good way to end the day.

Tomorrow should be interesting as the route does not follow one major road. The directions have us traveling a series of roads and streets that parallel Interstate 25. It should be a little more challenging than today’s route.


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