Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 26 - July 12

The day started with a refresher in thermodynamics 101. The blue dot is cold. As you can see the day started with a sky that said maybe or maybe not for rain. The forecast was calling for it around three and this was a motivator to ride east - quick. The road was east all day and they were positioned for a great day on that little bitty seat.

It was a day for pictures of anything that caught my attention. Not long into the ride I found a farmer observing the combine cutting his wheat. As I took pictures a large rain drop struck me from above and I quickly looked for the riders since they are not accustom to this type of attack. They were not far away and I moved the SUV toward them. As I came to a stop Matt was very fast; he had the refrigerator stowed in back and the seat down before the 72nd rain drop struck him. I made note that the temperature was not above boiling even though there was talk of melting. The shower lasted about 2 minutes and they got back on the bikes and off to Glandorf and Ottawa Ohio.
There is a church which is the center point of Glandorf with about 1000 member families. This is a German community and as we approached a gas station the rain started for real. We decided to wait on the rain and eat. The lady at the station fixed us a taco salad that could feed 8. It turns out she lived in Glandorf and had 8 boys and a girl. They all still live close by and I suspect that is why she was so full of life.

The rain stopped for the most part and Matt and Gary started to ride. The rain was very light and it did not interrupt us again.

I know it is not safe to pick up hitchhikers, but this one seemed so small and it was greene (Bob says greene is good) so I thought it would be ok. It was not long before I was dominated and continually saying “Yes Deere”. I won’t do that again.

We found the Willard Country Inn and comfortable rooms. The patron at the front had a bell with a sign that said ‘ring for attention’, I was about to ring it when a lady came from the back and wagged her finger indicating that I should not. I started to protest as I really like to ring bells and she pointed to a hunk of wood on the wall and I put the bell down.

The day ended with the normal sight of Matt, a bottle, a book, and a nap. End day 26.

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