Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 12 - June 28

Today it is down hill until the end which is a small climb. Matt and Gary added about 35 miles to this day to reduce the next day to 112 instead of 147. We found that our door at the motel was bugged so I took a picture in case we are questioned in the future and then we started the ride in our respective modes of transportation.

Remember I introduced you to Bob Loch yesterday. He is flying into Casper and will find us on the road later today. We departed Dubois on a down hill with rocky hills on both sides. Soon the hills changed to flat land and short scrub brush. My work was light because the riders were moving at 19mph average and they did not require a lot of service. At one point I stopped near a fence and a bird began to tweep constantly. I think I was near the nest. When Matt and Gary arrived I made them peanut butter sandwiches. The birds continued and called in others to complain. Gary tossed a small pebble, but the conversation continued. I suggested that a small amount of peanut butter would stick to the roof of their beaks and lessen the tirade. I tossed a small corner and just the threat stopped them. So there you have it.

As I said earlier we went about 35 miles past our stop at Riverton Wyoming. About 7 miles from the end I found cactus flowers hidden in the brush. Beauty is everywhere so I was busy taking pictures when a car pulled up. I was not sure if it might be the owner of the land so I just kept doing my picture work. The person got out and called me by name; it was Bob. What great timing. He will continue from here and I will join back later.


Thanks Larry, I’m sure that Matt and Gary will miss you as I learn the ropes of the support driver. I thought my primary role was to ensure the beer was cold at the end of the day, but after watching Larry in action, I soon learned that there is a lot more to do. But, it should be fun and interesting as we trek across Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa. We look forward to meeting up with Larry again in about a week.

My day started at 3:30 AM when my alarm went off. Things went well until at 6:00 AM, while waiting for the plane to take off the pilot made an announcement that there were mechanical issues and we would be delayed for a while. At 7:30 AM we finally departed for Denver. I was fortunate that there was a flight at 11:22 AM for Casper which I was able to take. This flight left Denver at 11:50 AM and I finally arrived in Casper at 12:50 PM. It all worked out well as I came upon Larry taking pictures of the flowers. It’s now close to 10 PM and I’m going to call it day. If I remember all the passwords and steps Larry taught me this afternoon, I will get this blog posted.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob, Gary and Matt,

Glad to see Bob arrived safely. He gave us your website before he left, and we and numerous friends and family have been following your trip daily. It has been great fun. Wishing you all a continued good time. We are looking forward to reading Bob's perspective and seeing his pictures too. (Not a lot of majestic mountains in Neb., but I'm sure you will find something.)

Have fun,

Jan, Bob, and Sam Ehrlich


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