Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 24 - July 10

We checked out of the motel just before 7 and went to the USDA office to have breakfast with John and his office group. It was good food and good company. I transported Matt and Gary to the start of an estimated 130 mile day.

The first part of the ride was small town and country. As we moved in to the farm land it was mostly corn and as we have said at the speed we move there is time for just about everything. We took note that the fields were smaller and the corn was taller. I think that it could be that when you squeeze the field a bit the corn can only go up. Remember I am still if farming 101 so the theory could need some work. Please notice how even the planting is, Neil showed me the machine that plants and they really do a good job.

Indiana must be a secret because I had to turn around and take a picture of the Illinois sign to mark the occasion as we left the land of Lincoln.

I found a way of getting Matt and Gary off the main roads onto a very straight country lane for about 25 miles. I found a field that was just planted and believe I have captured a bean sprout as it starts to grow. And of course the flowers continue to capture my attention. We arrived at the Indian Head Motel in Winamac Indiana. Its time to eat and relax and prepare for day 25.

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