Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 30 – July 16

We woke after a restful night in the American Hotel; great food and good rest. I suspect that Rose has a hand in the garden I found at the back of the hotel; it needs thyme also. It is interesting that many creatures have addictions. Matt is consumed by paper that has been engraved with thought and ink and the garden reportedly had snails with a smoking problem. This could be another Kodak moment. I found two and am glad to report that they were enjoying the plant life and not a discarded butt.

I did some quick shopping and headed off to find the bikes that were in charge of Matt and Gary. All in all a normal road day for New York with great scenery in the towns and fast drivers on the roads. Mid morning Matt reported that he had a creaking in the bottom of his bike and would need a shop at the end of the day. I called Lesley in Dallas and requested that she find us a shop at the stop town. Lesley reported that we should get the work done in Syracuse and gave me a number to the Bike Loft.

At lunch we decided to transport the bike to the shop so they might have time to fit us in. A busy shop is good for business and can be a problem for a team passing through on a schedule. When I walked in Dave asked what I needed; when he learned of our problem he fitted us in to his schedule. Dave is an accomplished wrench and it was a learning experience to watch him find the problem. The carbon frame had a noise that sounded from the bottom bracket; however it came from the rear wheel. It was a lot of work to find a small problem. The Bike Loft has been around for about 40 years and Lance has owned it about half that time. They did not have the part to make the fix and arranged for us to go to another shop. The Bike Loft is a class act. They know bikes and are customer centric. Thanks Dave, Lance and Jim.

Brian at the next shop, Syracuse Bicycle, confirmed that the Bike Loft had found the problem and had the part to get us moving. Small part big deal. I left with a working bike and returned to the team. Relax and rest, end of day 30.

1 comment:

Amiral Syn said...

I'm glad that you are all on back on the road. thank you the kind words. be sefe, and have fun.

Dave ( bike loft )


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